Our Introduction to Concealed Carry course is perfect for folks who want to get up to speed on getting a concealed carry permit or need a refresher for what some of the newer laws are about.
A few key aspects to our concealed carry course:
- Runs for around 2 hours, usually every Tuesday at 6pm (Other days can be scheduled)
- We cover the laws, rules, and regulations involving concealed carry in Virginia
- Carry methods and techniques.
- When you are justified in using a firearm in self defense
- Where you are allowed to carry firearm
- How to choose a carry firearm
- Provide suggestions for additional training
- Taught by an NRA certified firearms instructor
- Just $75 per person with discounts for groups.
Our course does make some assumptions that you have a basic understanding of how to handle a firearm. This is so that we can focus on what we believe to be the key problems for people new to concealed carry. Specifically the when, where, how, why, and what of conceal carrying a firearm. Throughout the course you will learn of why you should carry a firearm, the various methods available to carry one, how best to chose a carry gun, as well as the key aspects of when and where you can carry. You will also learn about when you can be justified to use your firearm as well.
A very through course for all the key aspects of carrying a firearm; we often run the course for around 2 hours, depending on questions which are encouraged! All taught in a supportive, non-judgmental, and friendly atmosphere.
This course is normally held every Tuesday in our shop at 6pm and are by appointment only. Other days are available upon request, and special group pricing is available for larger groups. Check our training schedule for availability, and special days are available on request:
We require a prepay for reserving a spot in one of our classes. You can pay online by purchasing the course through our website, or call us to reserve your spot as well.